Southeast Conservation Corps (SECC) operates conservation service programs across Tennessee and the Southeast Region that EMPOWER YOUNG PEOPLE TO CULTIVATE COMPASSION, RESPONSIBILITY AND GRIT THROUGH COMMUNITY SERVICE, HARD WORK AND ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP. SECC is based in Chattanooga, TN.
Southeast Conservation Corps aims to continue the legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s. SECC is focused on connecting youth, young adults and recent era military veterans with conservation service work projects on public lands. Our programs promote personal growth, experiential learning and an ethic of natural resource stewardship, along with hard work.
Project Partners
SECC can complete a wide variety of projects and can work with you to determine if we can help meet your needs. To learn more about past projects and to learn more about the benefits of a partnership with SECC please visit our Project Partners page or feel free to contact us.
Support Opportunities
Generous funders and supporting partners make it possible for Southeast Conservation Corps to operate programs that empower individuals to positively impact their lives, their communities and the environment. Whether it’s through grant support, program sponsorship, collaborative marketing or gear support, our funders and supporting partners are investing in the future of their communities and the environment.
Interested in seeing how your organization, foundation or company can connect with SECC? Partnering opportunities include, but are not limited to, providing financial assistance, special events, providing gear, assisting in marketing or outreach activities, supporting individuals or project work such as construction of a high profile trail, protection of a key river corridor or enhancement of a wildlife habitat area. We’ll work together to develop a unique partnership that reflects our aligned missions and impact. To get started, please contact our team.
If you are interested in providing an individual donation to Southeast Conservation Corps, please visit our Give page.

Partnership Highlight
Lula Lake Land Trust has hired a Southeast Conservation Corps summer intern for the past three years to help fulfill its land management plans. The ease and efficiency of this process has been outstanding. The interns selected have been prepared and professional to act as liaisons for our organization. We have found the overall cost to be affordable and the process to be simple since SECC carries workman's compensation and tax roll expenditures. It has been a fulfilling process to work with future land stewards and help them navigate through the start of their careers."
-Pat Kelly, LLLT Land Manager, 2017