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Southeast Conservation Corps


We'll just say "See Ya Later"

I don't know why I was ever ready to be done with our last hitch, but I definitely was. It was stupid hot, sweaty, buggy and there were at least four ticks on you at all times. The vibe was a little different with the crew, it was weird. I just couldn't wait to be off hitch and get home for some reason.


But from the moment de-rig started until early this morning, I've wished time would slow down so I could have a little bit longer with these people. The people that I've lived with, cooked with, ate with, worked through freezing rain and unbearable sun with, fought mud wars with, sang happy birthday with, sacrificed pinatas with, and saw beautiful forests, trails and waterfalls with over the past three months. 


It's hard saying goodbye to family, so we'll just say see ya later.

-Stephanie Douthitt, Crew 949