News from the field
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The First Fire
BlogMarch 8, 2020 | Picture this: Bienville National Forest, in the sweet, sweet south, Mississippi. The weather: a low temperature, low humidity. A beautiful window to put some fire on the ground and burn the acres Crew 962 has desperately been waiting to ignite.
By Allison Lincoln, VFC Crew Leader
Source: Source: Southeast Conservation Corps • Blog
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And Just Like That It's December
BlogDecember 13, 2019 | With a quintessential southern mix of rain, lightning bugs, and humidity coupled with onboarding paperwork, trainings, graduations, etc. reflecting on 2019 kind of feels like a movie montage in my mind. So, let me Slow. It. Down. for a minute.
By Brenna Kelly, Corps Director
Source: Source: Southeast Conservation Corps • Winter 2019 Newsletter
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Leading Ladies: Women leading the charge in local conservation
NewsNovember 1, 2019 | Our very own Brenna Kelly, Corps Director of Southeast Conservation Corps, is featured in the Get Out features of the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Read more below!
Within the past three issues of Get Out, we have featured a different conservation group's newly hired executive director — and all have been women. That got us wondering, are women leading the local conservation scene? Based on our tally — yes.
Source: Chattanooga Times Free Press • Southeast Conservation Corps
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A Bear-y Good Time in the Backcountry
September 26, 2019 | It’s 5:36 in the morning on Wednesday, September 18th, as I peer out over my paper-thin nylon hammock strung up on the edge of camp.
Source: Source: Southeast Conservation Corps • Blog
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5 Things We Learned from Working with an All-Girls Boy Scouts of America Troop
PartnershipsAugust 28, 2019 | We had expectations of what working with a Boy Scouts Troop might be like, we had an idea of what working with a Girl Scouts Troop would be like, but we were both blown away and humbled by this experience.
Source: Source: Southeast Conservation Corps • Blog
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National Park Foundation and Partners Expand Service Corps Impact Across the Country
PartnershipsAugust 26, 2019 | As the National Park Service celebrates 103 years of preserving America’s natural and cultural resources, the National Park Foundation (NPF) today announced a more than $3.5 million investment in expanding young, diverse leaders’ capacity to help protect national parks, lift up communities, and gain in-demand job skills training through service corps programs.
We'll just say "See Ya Later"
May 23, 2019 | It's hard saying goodbye to family, so we'll just say "see ya later".
Source: Southeast Conservation Corps • Blog